Sunday, July 24, 2016

Recent Islamic State Terror Attack

Connection to Culminating Activity 

I was reading the news last night, and I came across an article about a terror attack that occurred yesterday in Kabul, Afghanistan. Considering the similar nature of article and the content within my portfolio, I thought I'd include the beginning of the article here, as well as the link to the website. The article was taken from CTV news, which is obviously a mainstream media source. However, the content is accurate, as the images can attest.
"The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing on a peaceful protest in the Afghan capital on Saturday that killed at least 80 people and wounded more than 200, marking the first time the extremists have struck Kabul and raising fears of their growing strength and capability in Afghanistan." -CTV

80 Dead after Terrorist Attack in Afghanistan

The tragedy that ensues in the Middle East proves that women, who are already vulnerable members of society, are fighting to protect their children and themselves, from danger. 

Works Cited
"80 Dead after Islamic State Attacks Kabul Protest." CTVNews. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 July               2016.
"Quotes About Peace."QuotesGram. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 July 2016. 

Labels: War on Terror, ISIS, Afghanistan 

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